Sustainability Analysis of Grinding with Power Tools


During my undergraduate education at UC Davis, I learned about sustainable manufacturing and product design. In the Manufacturing and Sustainable Technologies Lab (MASTeR), I gained knowledge and experience in abrasives, sustainable manufacturing, and industrial processes.

Project Description

Together with Kyle Odum, Jayanti Das, and Dr. Barbara Linke, we co-authored a paper titled Sustainability Analysis of Grinding with Power Tools, which we presented at The High-Performance Cutting Conference at UC Berkeley.


Through this experience, I learned about the complexity and importance of designing for sustainability. In this paper, I researched sustainable features in power tool design and hazards, syndromes, effects, and symptoms of power tool usage. I classified the advertised sustainability features of power tools using the three pillars of sustainability: Economics, Environment, and Society. This project formed a framework for sustainable thinking that I can apply to any future project.

Input-Output Diagram of Grinding with Power Tools

During my time at the lab, I made a promotional video to explain our research (In 2014 the lab was formally known as SMaT Lab).
Please enjoy the video below! My short blurb begins at 2:28.

Paper Citation

Odum, A; Castillo, M.; Das, J; Linke, B. (2016) Sustainability Analysis of Grinding with Power Tools. Procedia CIRP. Vol. 14, pp. 570-574.


Y.O.L.O Handcycle


Shigley Hauler Project